Children’s Ministry

Ebenezer Church   -  


Decorating for Sunday School Themes

Join the team creating stage sets and backdrops for monthly Sunday school themes. Designs are put up at the beginning of each month and taken down at the end of the month and you can work on your own schedule. Choose a team; preschool or elementary.

KidzRock Large Group Leader

Provide leadership (teach) in the classroom. Give instructions to the small group leaders and help set the schedule for class. Volunteers must commit to two or more Sundays a month and be 18 or older. Serving time is September – May.

KidzRock Skit Team

This group provides lesson introductions to the elementary Sunday school classes each week. Costumes and props are provided. Volunteers can work on a rotating basis. This team meets Sunday, the week before their assignment, to prep.

KidzRock Small Group Leader

Small Group leaders care for an assigned small group of children each week and communicate with their families. Must commit to two Sundays a month or more. Serving time is September-May.

Preteen (4th & 5th Grade) Ministry Team

This team helps plan and execute events; includes setup, leading activities, supervising students, clean-up, etc. Volunteers will also work with students in their small groups during lesson times. The team meets four times a year on a Saturday. Teens and adults are welcome to serve.

KidzRock Sunday Morning Greeter Team

Greet families when they come to KidzRock. Walk new families to classrooms, answer questions, and staff the Ministry Center Welcome Desk on Sundays. This team works in shifts, so you still have time to worship. Volunteers commit to two Sundays a month.

KidzRock Tech

Support the KidzRock Sunday school team by setting up and breaking down media equipment and computers. Volunteers need to be available throughout the morning (7:30 AM – 12:30 PM) to troubleshoot equipment issues.

KidzRock Master of Ceremonies (MC)

We need volunteers who are willing to dress up, get down, and have fun with the kids and their families as they enter an event. All props, microphones, and music will be provided. You bring the excitement! This commitment is periodic, and volunteers must be in high school or older.

Sunday School Lesson Prep Team

The Prep Team prepares the Sunday school lesson packets. This mainly includes copying and cutting things out. Volunteers can work each week, or one day a month to prepare the lessons for that month. This position requires about 1.5-3 hours/week.

Sunday School Supply Management Team

Work during the week to stock supplies for the upcoming Sunday lessons and put away supplies from the previous Sunday. Volunteers are paired with one or two other people. This position must be completed on Monday or Tuesday and requires 1.5-2 hours each week to complete.

Vacation Bible School Volunteer

Help grow the faith of a child by volunteering for the largest event in Children’s ministry. Volunteer opportunities include crew leaders, teachers, snack helper, administrative support, and others.



Please email Chrissy Richardson using the form below to sign up or learn more.


Fields marked with an * are required

Contact Chrissy Richardson 



KidzCare Volunteer

KidzCare Volunteers work in the nursery holding babies, playing with toddlers, and leading children in fun activities. Volunteers can work as often as they like. Anyone middle school age through adults can volunteer.



Please email Crissy Sharon using the form below to sign up or learn more.