
This summer, 60 students and adult leaders connected their hearts to God and served the community of Wilmington, NC. Our theme was ROOTED, focusing on Ephesians 3:14-21. As we dug into this verse, we explored what it means to connect in Him and root ourselves deeply in His love. We emphasized the importance of stretching ourselves and getting out of our comfort zones, being open to what God is doing in our lives and around us, and seeing the needs of others and taking action.

All week long we experienced living this out together. We made connections with the community and came alongside the organizations already making a huge impact in the area. We were able to experience being part of His work in action and seeing the opportunities God has for us daily.

Each day after serving, we had incredible worship together as well as a fun activity. We grew in our love for God, each other, and our neighbor. Jesus invites us each day to be connected to Him, to be growing together and to be rooted in His love. May we marvel in our God, who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us! Be ROOTED!

Michelle Paquette, Director of Student Ministries

"God taught me that he is always going to show up and do something. I have to be ready and willing to open my eyes to what He wants to do."

Work Sites

Habitat For Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states and in more than 70 countries around the world. Habitat’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat works toward this vision by building and improving homes in partnership with individuals and families in need of affordable housing.Our group partnered with Habitat to serve several different homeowners, demolishing decks, repairing doors and trim, painting, and more. Each day, our group experienced love from the Habitat staff as well as getting to know the homeowners and praying for them.

Dream Community Enrichment Center

This organization works to empower those in underprivileged communities and address the underlying causes of substance abuse, including poor health, poverty, and lack of education. This group helped with their summer camp, building relationships with children and leaders. While at this site, they were able to experience a special day of encouraging the children to understand that they are masterpieces, created by God. They also took part in a fun field trip with the children.

Pender County Christian Services

Pender County Christian Services is a non-profit food pantry, clothing distribution center, disaster relief agency, and more! This organization meets the needs of residents by providing resources and constant support. Our group helped sort and organize donations, rearrange the store, and help customers. The relationships this team formed with the staff were phenomenal. This was a continuation of relationships built last year and it was great to see the students experience that.

First Fruit Ministries

This organization works to provide resources, medical care, housing, food, and counseling to those experiencing homelessness or human trafficking. During the week, the group that worked with First Fruit Ministries helped with food distribution, sorting clothing donations, organizing storage units, and painting. During the week, this group developed special relationships with some of the staff as well as dedicated volunteers. They learned the big lesson that the needs of an organization might not be grand in your eyes but are huge in theirs. They also experienced the outpouring of love and gratitude from their staff:“I just can't stop thinking about how amazing you and your group of faithful followers is, and what a blessing they are to the lives of so many...when I think of all you've accomplished in just one week at First Fruit Ministries, I can hardly fathom what you've done, and will do, with a lifetime of love for Jesus and his children. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for reminding me what selfless service and unconditional love truly looks like. The impression you've made will carry through, well beyond the seemingly simple acts of service you do (although we know that the containers and laundry room are far from simple).”

Cape Fear Volunteer Center Community Service

This organization connects with homeowners in the area who need help in different ways. This group did a variety of things throughout the week from cleaning yards, staining decks, cleaning and painting homes, and much more. One of the biggest moments from the week was helping at a house of a cancer patient in hospice living with her sister. They cherished the group so much that the next day, all they wanted them to do was play the game Heads Up with them...so they did! Once again, God was teaching us the value of truly seeing people, forging relationships, and showing love.

"God taught me that there are many people who need help and as children of God we are called to help them."

"Pray, pray, pray. It really does something, especially when you pray often."

In Our Own Words

We asked our students and adult leaders to reflect on what they learned and where they saw God on the mission trip. Here's what they had to say:

God has taught me that no matter what happens or how people act, lots of people do really care about me.

I have seen the goodness in God through the kindness in everyone and how much everyone cares about everyone else.

God taught me that sharing emotions and being open is a blessing, because others share their struggles and both people growing from it is a chance we get to have.

This week God taught me patience with myself. Throughout the week, I often found myself frustrated with things going on around me; however, after I further spent time in the Word, I realized what I needed was not just patience with others but myself.

God taught me to stay focused and don't be afraid.

I saw God in how thankful and caring the people at our work sites were for us.

God taught me how important and powerful building relationship can be and that I need to show more fruits of the spirit.

He reminded me to see each person as an individual, deserving of specific attention, affection, and grace.

Got taught me that his plan takes time, and it isn’t always obvious at first what he’s doing.

I saw God in the people we were working with. They really showed the love of God to us and the people we were serving. They were so dedicated to what they did and you could really see the light of Christ shine through them.

I saw God in the people in my work group, because they were so dedicated and willing to do everything asked of us, even thought it was hard work with no A/C. Everyone continued to laugh and make everything a really good time.

I saw God in the people around me from students to leaders to those we worked with. God reminded me he is in everyone, and he shows himself always.

I have a community who loves me and is there for me in tough times, and no matter what I do, God still loves me.

God showed me to keep an open mind and stop and listen. He also showed me it is not about what you do, it is how it impacts others.

I really got to see some of our students open up about their faith journeys and start working through next steps.

I saw God through the ministry (staff and volunteers) at First Fruit ministry. They dedicate so much time and energy to serve vulnerable, homeless, and under-resourced people. They were so thankful for us to help and were excited to bring us into the work they’re doing.

If you look closely, you can really see Him in more places than you would think. God is greater than my sins. I need to stay rooted in Him so that I can stay strong through the storms.

I saw God in the teamwork and patience of all the students this week. Being away for a week is not easy but they encouraged and uplifted each other no matter what.

God taught me to be outgoing and be more compassionate for others. Seeing others faces light up when you talk to them and when they can tell that you care really changes your mood and makes you want to be a better person.

I saw God in the people in the thrift shop and food pantry that do what we did every day all year. You could see Christ and love in their appreciation and encouragement and what keeps them motivated.

God keeps teaching me the importance of relationships and sticking close to Him.

Thank You

Thanks to all of you, we were able to have an opportunity to be a part of this community, build incredible relationships, and serve Jesus! These pictures and words are a thank you…to parents, to those who sponsored us and prayed for us, to adult leaders who gave precious time to go on this trip, and so many more. Thank you for playing such a huge part in helping us grow in our faith! We are so thankful that you helped us be ROOTED in His love! Go. Serve. Love!