Online Engagement
This team is working to improve engagement with our online community, through the Ebenezer website, social media accounts, and Church Online congregation. Click the button to find us online.
Mental Health Engagement
In addition to the expansion of our existing counseling services, this team is identifying other ways to assist members of our congregation and community in this important area. Click the button to learn more about counseling at Ebenezer.
Neighborhood Engagement
This team’s goal is to have a microchurch or small group in every neighborhood in our community. Working with the Love Your Neighbor Network, they are identifying ways to expand our discipleship model to spread the Word. Pastor Donovan Archie leads the Love Your Neighbor Network. Learn more about this ministry or contact Pastor Donovan using the buttons.
Idea Bank
This team is developing a bank of ideas and needs that small groups and others can adopt to provide service opportunities within the community.
Ask a Question
Submit any questions you may have about Focus 2025.
Submit An Idea
Share any ideas you may have that will help us live into our vision.