
This summer, 51 students and adult leaders experienced what God can do when we are fully present and ready for the adventures that He brings our way. We journeyed to Wilmington, NC to serve the community and in the process, grew in our relationship with Him. The theme was YOU ARE HERE. We focused on creating space for what God wants to do in our lives in the here and now, taking time to be in the present moment, and loving God and our neighbors.

All week long we got to live this out. We discovered the unique places we inhabit and how God can use our gifts, relationships, and experiences to glorify Him. We made connections with the community and came alongside the organizations already making a huge impact in the area. We were able to experience being part of His work in action and seeing the opportunities God has for us at this very moment in time.

After we served during the day, we had a fun activity and worshiped together in the evening, growing in relationship with Him and one another. Realizing that we are here to love, serve, unite and go. Loving others and following Jesus. May we each discover daily that is why YOU ARE HERE.

Michelle Paquette, Director of Student Ministries

"I had so much fun being in the community and learning to be in the moment and live for God."

Work Sites

Habitat For Humanity

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states and in more than 70 countries around the world. Habitat’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat works toward this vision by building and improving homes in partnership with individuals and families in need of affordable housing. Our groups helped build the walls and the roof of a home for a local mother, as well the doors and windows on another house as well. Each day, our group experienced love as the homeowner prayed for them and as they worked alongside local community members, learning new skills and building community, not just a house.

Dream Community Enrichment Center

This organization works to empower those in underprivileged communities and address the underlying causes of substance abuse, including poor health, poverty, and lack of education. At the beginning of the week, a group was able to help with their summer camp, building relationships with children and leaders. While at this site, they had a guest musician come in to teach the kids about music but also about how we are each given different gifts. It was the SAME day our devotional for the day was on using our gifts! We got to see different people share their gifts right there in the room. God moment!

Pender County Christian Services

Pender County Christian Services is a non-profit food pantry, clothing distribution center, disaster relief agency, and more! This organization meets the needs of residents by providing resources and constant support. Our group helped sort and organize donations, rearrange the store, and install shelves. The impact this had on our students was phenomenal. The staff was in such need and was so thankful to have our group focused on doing things they hadn’t been able to get to in a while.

Community Service

We had a couple of groups that got to experience a variety of service opportunities throughout the week. Groups helped out with food distribution at First Fruit Ministries, yard clean-up through the Cape Fear Volunteer Center, and trash clean-up at Good Shepherd Homeless Shelter. They also completed some much-needed tasks at the Columbus County Partnership for Children and pitched in at the Harrelson Center, a phenomenal facility that consolidates many essential services - from Salvation Army to Housing Support - under one roof. The wide range of opportunities showed them all the ways God is at work and allowed them to meet different people who shined the light of Jesus into their lives.

"I have seen God through the volunteers that helped at the different work sites, because they dedicated so much time and energy into what they do."

"I learned that it is okay to step out of your comfort zone, because it is so much better when you do, and you learn so much more."

In Our Own Words

We asked our students and adult leaders to reflect on what they learned and where they saw God on the mission trip. Here's what they had to say:

I learned that I need to be in the present, and that I need to be more loving to God, myself, and everyone else.

Here’s to another great mission trip!! These people are my entire world, my home away from home. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have their support. I’m so glad God gave me the opportunity to help others in a way that serves not only the community but God as well. Getting to share His word to complete strangers through serving is a blessing. My faith wouldn’t be anywhere near as strong if I hadn’t surrounded myself with these amazing people.

I’ve learned to see the world in a different perspective. Seeing how homeless people live makes you care about small things way less and appreciate what you have a lot more.

I learned that people truly are good. In a world surrounded in evil, it is easy to lose hope in humanity. At the food pantry, I saw many works of God and I met incredible people throughout the week. This week was humbling, and I am taking a lot away from it.

I have seen God in the relationships we have made and the lives we have changed building houses.

Don't hold back on making an impact and getting deeper into faith. It's better to grow closer to God, and to continue sharing His love and light!

I saw God this week through the extreme patience, care, and devotion the Habitat For Humanity workers exhibit to the mission, the job, the volunteers, and to each other. It is astounding and only something could come from God.

I saw God in everyone I talked to. In friends I traveled with, adults helping us, and even the people we helped. God was there.

I have seen God this week through the hard work of all of the volunteers and donors at Pender County Christian Services. It has been amazing to see just how much time and effort these people put in to serve each other.

People are so willing to help and work together and support you that it doesn’t make sense to not ask for help. This is something I’ve always struggled with, and going forward, I hope to get better with that.

I was simply reminded about the resiliency of our students. Through long days and long nights, they pushed through and served with their entire beings.

I’ve learned that God is in control and despite my best efforts, His ways are always better than my ways. I need to put more trust in Him and rely less on myself.

What I learned that I will take from here is that I need to be more willing to serve others. It has been cool to see just how much I can accomplish if I put enough effort in.

I learned how to build friendships, relationships, and houses. To have people walking with me through my journey is such an amazing opportunity. I hope I can take random skills as well as what I learned about people and Jesus back home and continue to show His love in my life.

It’s so easy to look at the world based on the 20-mile radius area you live in, but when I came down here, it made me realize that God is everywhere. Truly, the best way to view the world is through Heaven’s eyes.

I saw God this week with all of the social interactions I have made with everyone. I have never in my life had this many social interactions with others and made so many friends.

I have seen God at the work sites, and I have seen him when we’re all together at worship.

I see God through the people here. I have been inspired to talk to people, not just work.

Live in and appreciate the moments in front of you, as they could be your last; fall in love with your present circumstances.

I learned to own the skills I possess already, because they come from God, and I will take the gained confidence and use it to continue to disciple others.

I have seen God this week through the entire loving, friendly community of Wilmington.

Thank You

Thanks to all of you, we were able to have an opportunity to be a part of this community, build incredible relationships, and serve Jesus! These pictures and words are a thank you…to parents, to those who sponsored us and prayed for us, to adult leaders who gave precious time to go on this trip, and so many more. Thank you for playing such a huge part in helping us grow in our faith! We are so glad YOU ARE HERE, shining your light in so many ways!Â