Adventurers’ Guild Epic Christmas Adventure

December 14, 2024 12:00 - 4:00pm  |  Ebenezer Church

The Time of Dragons Dawns!

Join the Ebenezer Adventurers’ Guild for an epic afternoon of D&D and fun, joining forces with other heroes to defeat Tiamat, queen of the evil dragons.

For this December Epic Christmas Adventure, we will meet on 14 Dec, from noon to 4PM, in B01 of the Ministry Center. (NOTE: This is a different day (the 2nd Saturday of the month) and location (the youth room in the basement) than our normal game sessions!) For middle and high schoolers

We will have pre-generated 10th level characters ready for slaughter – I mean – your use.

Lunch and snacks are provided by the DMs. (Donations to the Guild are appreciated!)

Costumes always welcome!!

The Cult of the Dragon seeks to unleash Tiamat from her prison by calling upon ancient magic and a host of draconic allies. By bringing the Queen of Dragons into our world, the cult plans to scour away their foes and usher in a new age of draconic dominance….

All-out panic has created a growing movement in favor of agreeing to the cult’s demands, in the hope of winning concessions in return. It is difficult to muster troops when people are afraid they will be burned by dragonfire. This is a time for heroes to inspire the people of the Sword Coast with a great victory.

Fortunately, the Forgotten Realms has just such a group of heroes…you and your friends!