Noble Warriors Men’s Conference
February 24, 2024 8:30am - 4:00pm | The Mount Church
Want to recharge your faith and join other men in worship and fellowship? Members of Ebenezer United Methodist Men (EUMM) will attend the Noble Warriors Men’s Conference on Saturday, February 24th from 8:30 AM-4:00 PM at The Mount Church in Stafford. The event will include two nationally known keynote speakers along with 16 equipping workshops, worship, and resources specific to men.
All men are welcome! A discounted early bird group rate of $49 will be available through February 14. A box lunch is also available for $12. Please register using the button below. On the registration page, follow these prompts to get the group discount:
- Select: Actions
- Select: Join a Group
- Select: Search for an Existing Group
- Select: Ebenezer UMM
- Select: Passcode to Join this Group
- Enter: 123456
- Select: Group Early Bird – for groups of 10 or more
- Click: + to indicate 1
If you are a full-time student (age 13-22) there is a student rate of $32. Select Student Registration instead of Group Early Bird on the registration site.
If anyone would like to attend the conference, but cannot afford to do so, UMM will sponsor them and cover their expenses. Please contact Bob Skewes using the form below to make those arrangements.
More information about the conference is available at the ‘Conference Info’ button below. If you have any additional questions, please contact Bob Skewes using the form below.