
Focus 2030 is our new vision for the future of Ebenezer Church. Throughout 2023, our Strategic Planning Team delved into our core values, dreams, demographics, statistics, and community context to prayerfully discern and draft this new vision together. Building on the work of Focus 2025 and adaptations from COVID, we are mapping our resources to guide our mission and ministry. We look forward to becoming all that God calls us to be.

Our Mission: To transform lives through Jesus Christ as we connect, heal, and bring hope to the world.

Our Core Values: Genuine Relationship, Inspired Discipleship, Transformed Communities



Connection Through Worship

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship." Romans 12:1, NRSV

Vision: We see our vital role in connecting all to the love of Jesus and a life of discipleship through meaningful worship onsite, online, and offsite.

Strategic Goals:

  1. Maintain excellence in worship by offering profound teaching, a welcoming environment, and meaningful music through a variety of mediums both on and off campus.
  2. Identify ways that worship elements traditionally requiring in-person participation can be transformed to be provided online and in the distributed network of churches.
  3. Maintain the physical campus to be used as a resource for hope and healing and for community activity and connection between Christ and our neighbors.

Get Involved: Commit to being present in worship services in person, online, or through the Love Your Neighbor Network

  • Meet someone new and learn their name
  • Invite someone to worship with you
  • Pray for Ebenezer and its ministries and for God’s continued guidance and direction

Multi-Generational Discipleship

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20, NRSV

Vision:  We see Jesus Christ transforming lives and acknowledge Ebenezer’s role in supporting the life-long learning of Christians, and providing a connection for those who are not affiliated with church.

Strategic Goals:

  1. Develop an intentional and effective approach to growing in discipleship for people of all ages and stages of their faith walk.
  2. Foster a culture of stewardship and volunteerism to increase giving and serving.
  3. Assess and improve discipleship and engagement opportunities for our online community. 
  4. Increase the number of people who are committed and connected through small groups, church attendance, membership, and service.

Get Involved: Commit to growing as a disciple

Community Presence

“...you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8b, NRSV

Vision:  We see the need for deep connection and engagement with the community of Stafford and acknowledge Ebenezer’s role in bringing hope and healing to support the needs identified by community leaders.

Strategic Goals:

  1. Lead or participate in community events focused on family and health and wellness.
  2. Expand the number of microchurches in the Love Your Neighbor Network.
  3. Show up in the community in meaningful, contextual ways.

Get Involved: Commit to showing up in the community as a representative of God’s love

Missional Service

"For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you welcomed me." Matthew 25:35, NRSV

Vision:  We see lives transformed by our engagement with ministry partners.

Strategic Goals:

  1. Collaborate with community and ministry partner leaders to identify the most pressing needs and support missional opportunities aligned for greatest impact.
  2. Continue our relationships with local schools and food insecurity missions providing meaningful transactional and transformational missional service.
  3. Continue our relationship with Helping Children Worldwide as a strategic partner and in support of mission teams visiting Mercy Hospital and the Child Reintegration Centre.

Get Involved: Commit to using your gifts and talents for service

Ask a Question

Submit any questions you may have about Focus 2030.