Ministry of Special Abilities In Christ

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14 NIV


Our mission is to extend the love and message of Jesus Christ to all persons with special abilities and help to incorporate them fully into the life of the church. By showing the love of God to people with special abilities, we fulfill Christ's command and serve all of God’s people.


  1. Provide inclusive environments for participants within the church setting, including services in which participants interact with their typical peers, as well as environments providing more structure and trained staff.
  2. Offer fellowship for participants to engage with other individuals with special abilities and build friendships and community.
  3. Raise awareness and advocate for people with all abilities and the importance of their role within the church, including the ability to give back to the community through mission projects and service opportunities within the church.
  4. Provide participants with caring volunteers committed to seeing each individual succeed in the given program environment.
  5. Care for each person’s unique needs and extend the love of God so that they know they are seen, cared for, and loved.
  6. Cultivate a supportive environment for parents and caregivers where care, compassion, and resources ease the tension when caring for a loved one with special abilities.

Buddy Program

Trained buddies spend time with children with special abilities during the 10:30 AM worship service. The buddies and children participate in Sunday School activities with KidzCare (infants and toddlers) and KidzRock (preschool-5th grade). They will enjoy worship music and engage in a lesson and group activities with other children while their families attend the main services.

Buddies can also spend time with students with special abilities and participate in the TNT Middle School Weekly Gathering at 5:00 PM and Axis High School Weekly Gathering at 7:00 PM on Sunday evenings during the school year. They will gather for large group worship and teaching and small group Bible study.

If you would like to apply to become a Buddy, please click the button to access the fillable Buddy Application. Complete and download the form, then email it to [email protected] or return it to the Main Office.

All are welcome!


Thank you for your interest in the MOSAIC ministry at Ebenezer Church. For us to minister to the best of our ability to your loved one with special needs, please contact us prior to your first visit to any MOSAIC programs or events using the form below.

  • Parents or caregivers may be asked to stay with their participant during their first visit. We ask that a profile document be completed for participants with special needs for ongoing participation in the MOSAIC programs.
  • Due to spacing and availability of trained staff and volunteers, not all your participant’s needs may be met in our ministry settings. Every effort will be made to ensure your family’s experience is a blessing.
    In the event of an emergency, please ensure that you can be reached (via mobile phone).
  • Additionally, important information regarding MOSAIC events and programs, as well as churchwide notifications, are communicated primarily via email. Please ensure that MOSAIC has the most updated and correct contact information.
  • For questions regarding any policy or to report suspected violations of policies, laws, or ethical standards, please contact us using the form below.



If you have experience to share or a passion to serve children with special abilities and their families, we invite you to join the MOSAIC team.

Become a Buddy to spend time with children with special abilities while their parents attend worship services. We are looking for volunteers of all abilities age 15 and up. Training will be provided. More details regarding training will be given when you contact us. You will also fill out a form to create a profile that will be presented to the families so they can get to know you before meeting you. Likewise, you will be provided with a profile of your buddy with special abilities so you can get to know them before you meet.

If you would like to apply to become a Buddy, please click the button to access the fillable Buddy Application. Complete and download the form, then email it to [email protected] or return it to the Main Office.

Planning Team Member
Join the planning team, as we prayerfully discern how this ministry can best serve those in our congregation and beyond.

For more information, please contact us using the form below.


Contact Us

For more information about MOSAIC, please contact us using the form below.