Anchored in Faith – a 45 Day Journey With God
March 5 - April 20
Our faith tells us we are to love God, and to love others as ourselves. EUMM strives to create a supportive environment in which men can help each other build themselves spiritually, draw closer to God, and serve God, Ebenezer Church, and others. We do this through fellowship, service and social events, Bible study, praying for each other, and otherwise providing support for one another.
As men, we face ever-changing roles and responsibilities in the family setting, at work, in relationships, and within the community. Too often, we tend to be reluctant to ask for help with issues we face due to pride, shame, guilt, or a sense that we are the only one dealing with these issues and should be able to fix things ourselves. The truth is, all men face these issues, and if we are able to get to the point where we can “take off our masks” and seek help, things typically start to get better. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” If you are dealing with issues now, or simply want to be a part of our efforts to create a non-judgmental environment within which men can address these issues, please consider becoming active within EUMM.
Each of you is an EUMM member already, because you are a male within this church. There is no requirement to attend monthly meetings, or scheduled events, but we encourage you to do so as your schedule permits.
You may view the EUMM Information Sheet, Constitution, and Leadership Roster using the buttons above. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Barry Mills, EUMM President
Please click the links below to access our Annual Reports.