UMM Monthly Meeting

April 12, 9:00 am - December 13 - 10:30 am

All men are invited to attend United Methodist Men (UMM) Meetings on the second Saturday of each month (unless otherwise noted below) from 9:00-10:30 AM.

Built on the premise that men are at their best when they model Jesus Christ in their thoughts, words, and deeds, UMM offers programs that help build men spiritually and provide opportunities to serve. One of UMM’s primary goals is to support the pastors and ministries within the church, but individual members also participate in community service programs, such as the Woodcutting Ministry.

UMM membership is open to any man who has a desire to belong to and participate in the ministry of the church. Church membership is not required. For more information, please visit the UMM web page or contact Barry Mills using the form below.

Visit UMM web page


Contact UMM