Ebenezer Blog
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TNT & AXIS Are Taking it to the Next Level!
TNT: Are you ready to take your faith to the next level? TNT Middle school Ministry is more than just a gathering—it’s an explosion...

TNT and Axis Youth Ministry Start Back Up
Youth Ministry is not just for the church of tomorrow – it’s vital for the church of today. On Sunday, September 8th, we...

The Sound of Worship
Worship engages all the senses, but for Chuck Sinon, it’s the sound of worship that stands out most. As a member of the Ebenezer Tech...

A Champion For Children
Mary Ann Buscher has been advocating for children for decades as a teacher, counselor, pastor, and volunteer with Helping Children...

Colorful Collection Connects Past, Present & Future
Inside Pastor Jeff’s office is a pop of color that’s hard to miss. A vibrant collection of 50 clergy stoles in varied shades and...

Creative Gifts
If you know Julie Todd, you know that her hands are never idle. When she’s not working on a computer as Ebenezer’s Finance Assistant,...

Join a Small Group? What’s In It For Me?
Small groups offer conversation, spiritual growth, relationship, and community. If you’ve ever thought about joining a small group,...

Solitude and Silence
At this time of year, we may find ourselves overcommitted and overwhelmed. Work, social, school, and even spiritual commitments fill our...

Changing Hearts, One Cookie at a Time
Twice each year, members of Ebenezer’s congregation bake dozens of cookies for Kairos Prison Ministry. But these cookies are more than...

Genuis Within Us
One of the things that we can draw strength from in our relationship with God is the fact that He loves us too much to leave us where we...

Full Circle
Kait Priest is following her path to ministry back to the place where it all began. As Ebenezer’s Summer Ministry Intern, she is gaining...

Fear Not
Fear not. The Bible speaks to this phrase in many ways. In counseling, I have been blessed to walk alongside clients though anxiety,...

There Is Nothing Like Youth Ministry
I have been blessed to serve full time in Student Ministries for 23 years and one thing I have noticed is that there is nothing like Youth...

Following God’s Lead
The path to ministry is long and winding. For Becca Runkles, it began in middle school, on the bus ride home from a youth conference. “I...

God’s Library
Climb the stairs to the second floor of the Ministry Center and you’ll find one of Ebenezer’s greatest resources, just waiting to be...

Do you have problems saying no? Can you set limits and still be a loving person? Do others take advantage of you? If you’re not at peace...

Caring for Caregivers
More than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s, and more than 11 million more are serving as unpaid caregivers. This disease...

Parents, Don’t Quit!
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are...

Living the Abundant Life
We live in a fast-paced world. We feel we must be “on” all the time. This manner of living can leave us feeling on edge, disconnected,...

Forgiving What You Can’t Forget
Last summer, I was fortunate enough to lead a book study on Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lysa Terkeurst. The class was so impactful...

Celebrating What God Is Up To
Volunteers are sorting and stacking Angel Tree gifts, the Choir and Band are rehearsing for Christmas Eve Candlelight Services, and a...

Making Wishes Come True
Angel Tree is a beloved holiday tradition spanning many generations at Ebenezer Church. It is a loving way to bring a glimmer of happiness...

A Warm Welcome on a Cold Night
This winter, Micah Ministries and a cohort of local churches will once again come together to provide our unhoused neighbors with necessary...

The Tip of the Iceberg
I was thinking the other day that church is like an iceberg. The top 10% of the iceberg – the portion visible above the surface...

Small Group Makes Big Impact at Brisben
Members of the Ellis Small Group recently prepared and served a meal for Brisben Shelter residents. Janet Young contributed this reflection...

Gardening For Good At Ebenezer Acre
Chances are, when you think about Ebenezer Acre, you think about potatoes. It might surprise you to learn that more than 250 pounds of...

Fitness + Fellowship = Family
School may be out, but the Ebenezer Exercise Group is still in session! The group is open to participants of all ages and fitness levels...

Why Did You Doubt?
The interaction between Peter and Jesus in Matthew’s narrative of Jesus walking on the water is inspiring (Matthew 14:22-33). When Peter...

Wrapped in Love
If you’ve ever witnessed a baptism at Ebenezer, you’ve already seen the ministry of Phoebe Circle in action. At the conclusion of the...